[ARDF] Testing opportunities at large events...

Matthew Robbins cedarcreek at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 22:40:10 PST 2005

One thing I was thinking about as I was doing this testing was how
important it is to have the opportunity to test your equipment against
the competition transmitters.

I thought Marvin's test day at Hungry Valley was a perfect test day
(and the tri-tip barbeque was awesome, too).

I was really disappointed at the test day in Brno. 

I've been meaning to ask several things:

What other people thought about the test day in Brno?

How that test day compared to other large international events?

Whether it would be appropriate for someone like Dale or Joe to bring
up the topic at some large ARDF rules meeting so future large events
will allow competitors to have some specific expectations about what
to expect.

Personally, I'd like several transmitters of each band in
representative settings, *plus* one transmitter of each band in a
flat, range-like location with about 1km of line-of-sight.  Markings
every 100m would be nice for people without GPS receivers, or if the
location is forested and GPS performance is degraded by the canopy.

If I had to pick between "representative settings" and a 1km range,
I'd pick the range.  (Although for events like the US Champs, where
beginners are expected, the representative settings are certainly more

Cincinnati, Ohio USA

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