[ARDF] Fuses in foxboxes?

Jay Hennigan jay at west.net
Tue Sep 30 16:14:53 CDT 2003

On Tue, 30 Sep 2003, Kenneth E. Harker wrote:

>     I'm getting closer to getting my first hidden transmitter built.
>     I plan to use a 7Ah 12 VDC gel cell in each box.  Each gel cell will
> be connected to an HT, an 80M transmitter, and a PicCon.  I think I would
> like to uses fuses in the + lines, just in case something goes wrong.

You also might want to install an "idiot diode".

Two ways to do this:

   A rectifier in series rated for the full load.  This has the advantage
   that connecting things backwards doesn't blow fuses or hurt anything.
   The disadvantage is that you lose about 0.7 volts across the diode, a
   little less if you use a Schottky device.

   A rectifier across the load rated greater than the fuse value.  No
   voltage drop, but you lose the fuse when (not if, when) you connect the
   battery  backwards (in the woods, at night, with no spares...)

Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Administration - jay at west.net
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