[ARDF] My first ARDF event as Director...A tale not for the weak of heart...

Jay Hennigan jay at west.net
Mon Sep 29 11:13:45 CDT 2003

On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Sam Smith wrote:

> Sorry to hear about your problems, Matt, but like you said, we've all
> been there.
> One of the things I do to minimize problems is run the HTs split, each
> one listening on a different frequency.

Just make sure you don't pick something close to a local repeater with
autopatch.  :-)

> If I do make a keypad error, it
> only affects one transmitter. I don't use the delayed start, but just
> send a "2" when I want a transmitter to start (or stop). It works much
> better for me that way.

One of the downsides of the remote control capability of the Pic-Con is
that it's too easy to mess up multiple boxes.

Split frequency, CTCSS (PL) if the controlling box supports decode, and
using the "lock code" function of the Pic-Con are all ways to mitigate
this problem.

For a true out-of-band approach, FRS radios are very cheap these days
and support CTCSS decode, multiple channels, etc.  I've seen them for
under $20 each.  You just need to rig a touchtone pad or dialer to the
one you're using as the controller.  Might be useful for 80M especially
as you won't need to "waste" a 2M HT per fox.

Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Administration - jay at west.net
WestNet:  Connecting you to the planet.  805 884-6323      WB6RDV
NetLojix Communications, Inc.  -  http://www.netlojix.com/

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