[usa2003ardf] IARU style hunt in Atlanta, GA

Sam Smith sam.smith at ece.gatech.edu
Mon Jun 9 10:20:05 CDT 2003

On Sunday June 15 the Georgia Orienteering CLub will have a 2 meter ARDF 
event at Cochran Mill Park just SW of Atlanta, GA. We use IOF standard 
maps for some of the best training anywhere. Start is about 9:30AM. Cost 
is $8 for non-members.

For directions see our web page at http://www.gaorienteering.org

We will use the "divide and conquer" method of placing controls - first 
five people that show up get handed a control to put out in a designated 
area of the map. That will teach you to show up early! Seriously, we all 
want to compete this year in the big event in OH, so we will share the 
course setting duties.

Another training event is scheduled for the weekend of July 12/13, with 
80 meter and 2 meter practice.


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