[ARDF] Re: [usa2003ardf] Fox Oring transmitters

Gerald Boyd wb8wfk at worldnet.att.net
Tue Aug 12 18:20:20 CDT 2003

Hi Sam,

I will go-ahead and ask HQ for an answer and will get back with you and the
group when I get a response.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sam Smith" <sam.smith at ece.gatech.edu>
To: "Gerald Boyd" <wb8wfk at worldnet.att.net>; <usa2003ardf at kkn.net>
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 5:27 AM
Subject: Re: [usa2003ardf] Fox Oring transmitters

Gerald Boyd wrote:
> Sam,
> I see some options to getting this answered.
> I have a contact at ARRL HQ  and the FCC that I have used for "OO" issues.
> I could start with the HQ contact and depending on what the answer is I
> could ask the FCC contact.
> If the group thinks there is an issue with the rules, I would be willing
> ask.
I would like to know the answer, if there is one...


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