[ARDF] Re: [usa2003ardf] Fox Oring transmitters

Gerald Boyd wb8wfk at worldnet.att.net
Mon Aug 11 19:34:49 CDT 2003


I see some options to getting this answered.

I have a contact at ARRL HQ  and the FCC that I have used for "OO" issues.
I could start with the HQ contact and depending on what the answer is I
could ask the FCC contact.

If the group thinks there is an issue with the rules, I would be willing to

I now have two of the 80 meter fox-o transmitters built and tested. Both
have a range around 100 meters. I think this could be a good tool for
navigation skills training.

As we start using these low power transmitters we may be often asked about
how they comply with the rules by local hams. It might be nice to be able to
show some documentation that the issue was addressed at the HQ or FCC level
and that its ok to this un modulated CW source.

As we all know BPL is going to be a larger threat to the HF bands then these
small fox-0 transmitters.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Sam Smith" <sam.smith at ece.gatech.edu>
To: <usa2003ardf at kkn.net>
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 6:02 AM
Subject: [usa2003ardf] Fox Oring transmitters

Freyra at aol.com wrote:
>        f. 80M fox orenteering transmitters - I believe these 10 MW
> transmitters fall into the PArt 15 regulations. Here is a link for  those
who want to
> give it areal coose look. http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/part15.html

OK, I gave it a real close look, although I am not a lawyer, and I used
the abbreviated rules on the ARRL web site. Looks to me like low power
intentional radiators under part 15 have to be "certificated". Which
means testing by an independent lab and submitting the results and a
form to the FCC. If it were an unintentional radiator you could just put
a sticker on it, but intentional radiators have to be tested... Might be
simpler just to put a PIC in it and have it ID and use part 97.

Of course I could be totally wrong - somebody else give it a close look
and report back...


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